We know you guys love these pieces so we are at it again. With the help of the master conjurer, we have created a nest of lucky leppies. There are five leppies that will grant you five different types of wealth. Sometimes we offer these leppies for luck in different types of things. This time we figured we keep it to wealth given the fact that this is what most people need nowadays.
Anywho, below is the list of the five leppies that you will be receiving in this nest and what they can do for you. By the way, this is really a gorgeous ring with gorgeous green stones. Making contact with the leppies is pretty easy because this is a pretty active crew! Okay, here are your guys:
1. Daghan-- Grants wealth in business
2. Finnchad-- Grants wealth via Financial Investments
3. Breasal-- Grants the wealth of the goddess Tara
4. Iobhar-- Grants wealth through gambling and games of chance
5. Frassach-- Grants the wealth of the ancient druid patriarchs