This ring holds life essence energy that allows the person who own this piece to experience something that is called alter-conscious life energy. Simply put, this allows you to put another being's life energy inside of your body. You will connect with this energy at some point in the mind. This allows you to experience what is called the alter-conscious. This holds all the knowledge of the other being's life energy. This all knowledge, all magic, all experiences, all everything. Anything that mind has ever seen or experience, you are going to get a copy of that via this alter-conscious that you will develop. Your mind will then absorb this alter-conscious and the knowledge of this other beinb consciouc will become part of your own. You will thereby assume the magic, powers, and abilities of whatever entity you have chosen. To use this piece you simply meditate and envision the entity whose life-energy you'd like to assume-- think vampire, djinn, fairy, werewolf, elf, nymph, or anythin gelse along those lines.