The piece up for grabs is an antique, hand-painted, Russian Icon. Here's the bottom line. This piece is crazy powerful. It was hand-painted by the Patriarch of Moscow and All of Russia, Tikhon. Tikhon was a stabilizing figure in Russia and was selected as the first Patriarch of the revitalized Moscow Patriarchate following the Bolshevik Revolution. You can do more research on him if you choose. We are here to tell you the stuff that isn't already known.
What isn't known is that Tikhon was not just a pious man, but he was also a deeply magical man. That seems like a paradox at first, but when the magic that you have was created for you specifically by God, then you use that magic. This is precisely what Tikhon did when he painted the piece that you are getting. This piece is highly energetic for reasons that we will reveal to you shortly. Having said that, this piece is also very rare, not only because it is an original Russian Icon, but because it was hand-painted and created by Tikhon himself.
As I've mentioned before, Tikhon has quite the history, including a Bishopric in the United States and a reformation that he led there. At a very young age, he had been touched by the hand of God. He was given the powers of knowledge and persuasion at a young age. It would grow inside of him until he was led back to Russia where Tikhon first began having visions of a newly united Russian Orthodox Church. This came to pass when he assumed the role of Patriarch of Moscow.
However, there's more to the story than that. Before advancing to his new post, Tikhon was visited by an Angel. It wasn't just any angel, but it was Metatron one of the most powerful Archangels to exist. He was instructed by the angel to create this icon. Tikhon was a skilled artist so it was simply a matter of him complying with the request, which he did. As a result, he was given a secret source of magic. It was a book of magic never before heard of that was given to Abraham the Patriarch of Christianity. It was from Abraham's loin that Christianity was born.
In this secret book of knowledge was written the presence of all the magic that had ever been or would ever be recorded. This secret book was made out of the flesh of fallen angels and the blood of the Elders. As magic grew so did Abraham's book. Only this time it wasn't Abraham's book. It was Tikhon's book and it still grew. He inherited it from Metatron, the angel that visited him the night before he ascended to the Patriarchate.
Once Tikhon took over the Patriarchate he assembled a secret group called the Walkers of Light or just the Light Walkers. He shared with him the visions that Metatron gave to him-- which included a reunified Russian Union. This was not the Soviet Union, but rather a Russian Union that would rule the world at the End of Times. in those times there would come a great evil and Abraham's Book of Magic was to be opened and used to defeat the forces these evil forces.
Until then, the secret book of magic is heavily guarded by the Light Walkers even to this day. In the icon, you will see a painting of the Patriarch, Abraham. In one hand he holds the "V" sign with his fingers, which stands for victory. In the other hand, he holds his book of magic. This is to symbolize the fact that the entirety of Abraham's Book of Magic has been placed into this piece. The Book of Magic has been sealed, but when the first seal is broken this magic will be released to you. You will receive an instant transformation into a full angelic form and the magic will enlighten you to the highest levels.
I know what you're thinking. Well, that's super cool, but how does this piece help me now? What does this piece give to me now? Well, I'm glad you asked because Tikhon asked the same thing of Metatron who appeared to him as a formless ball of light. That's when it was revealed to him that he was also endowed with the ability to open portals to white light tunnels. These tunnels lead to various places in the universe, but always to places of divine white light. They are places that ordinary individuals aren't allowed to travel to, but since you hold this piece you will be allowed to travel there.
Another thing that this piece allows you to do is stop time. This is how we can know so much about this piece in such a short period of time. When we were first using this piece we discovered that it had such power. We were in our makeshift office working with the piece when Deedee said to me, "Steve do you hear that?" I was like, "I don't hear anything." She was like, "Exactly." She went to the door the opens up to the balcony and opened it up.
The wind has stopped blowing. There were birds mid-flight in the air. There was a lake directly beneath us and its tiny waves had stopped lapping the shore. We went to the other balcony and the same thing. None of the clouds in the sky moved and there was a golf cart with a human driving it stopped and another human in midstep stopped in a crosswalk. We came back into the room and picked up our cellphones. They would not function.
What did we do? Well, since we have quite a history of finding ourselves in compromising situations we continued using the piece. we had quite the adventure with it, too. At first, we didn't know how to use the piece, but as we connected with the energies in it, we realized that to get the piece to work all you have to do is will the portal into existence.
The first place this piece took us was to the upper levels of Heaven. Some call it the Seventh Heaven. In this Heaven, we were able to sit on God's throne and observe existence the way he would see it-- from the inside out, which gave us the ability to understand matter and the energy forms of matter and how it all comes together to create existence.
We were given the ability to wear the crowns of the 24 Elders. Each of the crowns contains a different, secret knowledge that is given to those who are chosen to wear them. we saw that at the End of Times these crowns will fall to Earth and consume reality and evil, while at the same replacing what it destroyed with light and the knowledge of God. These 24 forms of Knowledge allowed us to grow in power and knowledge tremendously.
We opened a portal that led us to the real Ark of the Covenant as it exists in Heaven. The Ark of the Covenant holds the Christ Consciousness. It was given to us when we visited the Ark. The Christ Consciousness is a massive form of energy that allows you to understand the essence of Christ's existence and the white light magic that he possesses, but also his ability to create white light magic like he did while he was on Earth. It shows you how to awaken white light energy within your body to release your inner God genome and to exist as a mortal deity on Earth who is capable of nearly anything.
This piece allowed us to travel to a place called the Crystal Pyramid of Time. The Crystal Pyramid of Time isn't what it sounds like. I mean, it is but there is more to it than that. The Pyramid Crystal of Time is a mechanism at the Center of the Universe. All of the energy that is created must first pass through it. This means everything. Much like a prism bends light and creates rays of color, the Crystal Pyramid of Time bends the energies of the universe to create what we know as reality, but what is known elsewhere in the universe as time.
As humans, our concept of time is a measure of how long something takes, versus in the rest of the universe, which is immortal, time is simply what happens in reality. Time goes on and on forever and never ends. Thus, the energies of the universe must be distributed. The Crystal Pyramid of Time is not only responsible for time/reality, it is responsible for destiny, the manipulation of energy into magic, how one experiences the reality that is created around, and the abilities that they are capable of.
Mastering the ability of the Crystal Pyramid of Time was a powerful tool in helping God create the universe. It can be a powerful tool in helping you control your own destiny. It can also be a powerful tool in guiding you to becoming anything you want to become. It can be a powerful tool in providing enlightenment and Ascension. When you can utilize what controls reality, you can pretty much dictate how reality will affect you. You can use it to render yourself immortal, all-powerful, all-knowing, or anything else. Just keep in mind that God literally controls the pyramid, so He has the final say.
We were able to use this piece to travel to Metatron's Cube, where we were given the secrets that lie within. We were given the 72 Names of God and the knowledge and magic of the Kabbalist Tree of Life. We could use these energies and this knowledge to call upon the 72 Names of God. These 72 names of God are 72 emanations of God and forms or manifestations that He takes. Each one holds an arcane, covert power or form of magic that has not been revealed to even his closest of prophets. When you use this piece, a portal can be opened to Metatron's Cube and as we did, you will be able to experience them. I cannot tell you what these 72 forms of magic are, as it is something that you will simply have to experience to understand.
These are just a few of the experiences that we had with the piece. There are others, but this description has become long enough. You will be able to open your own white light portals and travel through your own white light tunnels with this Russian Icon. You will be able to be touched by the hand of God. The annals of magic will be opened to you upon the breaking of the first seal. Additionally, which is something we didn't mention earlier, this piece can create miracles. You can use this piece to create any miracle that you wish to create. All you have to do is meditate with the piece and Metatron will take your miracle request directly to God who will grant it for you without hesitation.
This piece has granted miracles for many of the Walkers of Light, just as it will for you. Oh, and in case you are wondering how we "unstuck" time, we used the powers of the Crystal Pyramid of Time. It transported us back to our office where we realized that time had resumed and what had felt like days was literally only a few seconds that had transpired. We aren't sure how the guy at the Underground Auction got his hands on this piece, but we are glad he did, as this piece allows you to, once again, get your hands on a piece of history!!