An Original Siberian Unicorn

An Original Siberian Unicorn

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This piece summons the presence of a Siberian Unicorn.  It was made by our master conjurer and summons this unicorn in full spiritual form.  The reason it doesn't summon him in his unicorn form is that the Siberian Unicorn-- ancient cousin to the Greek Unicorn that is pretty to the sight-- the Siberian Unicorn if fairly ugly.  It looks more like a wooly mammoth with a singly giant alicorn protruding from its forehead.  Found only in Siberia, this unicorn holds ancient magic from a land that is vastly uninhabitable.  This magic is the magic of the Northgate.  It holds similar magic to that of a regular unicorn and when you own this piece the unicorn will bring you wealth, spiritual healing, psychic awakening, and other spiritual gifts.  This unicorn's name is Aloisius and this is the name you will use to call him forth during meditation.