You would think that all experiences with magic end up the same, but that simply isn't true. A lot of magic is very helpful. However, there is also the magic that is not so helpful. It is the kind of magic that takes a toll on your body. We have some items that are from the Underground Auction tonight, but this one is not. This piece comes from a personal experience. It comes from a Near Death Experience that I had before my transformation. Sometimes I wonder if this NDE put me into the mindset that allowed me to receive the transformation. Maybe it is the reason why I was chosen. I"m not sure.
Either way, when I first started working for Deedee there was this piece. It is a piece that she hasn't offered on the website to this day simply because using the piece literally acts like a vacuum and sucks the energy out of anybody who uses it. It was designed to be that way by the person who created it so that way nobody else would be able to access this magic. It had something to do with ancient Greece, but to this day we can't really tell what the magic is because the piece is just too dangerous to work with.
Anyway, I took the piece without Deedee knowing, deciding that there wasn't anything that I couldn't do. Long story short, I was in an old apartment that I used to rent with this piece. I was using it and things began to change from grainy to clear as if I had finally cracked the code, but that is when I got splitting pain in my head and blood started leaking from my nose. I felt myself drift away from conscious and eventually, everything turned dark and cold.
Everything that happened that night was a complete and total blur. For instance, I very distinctly remember seeing some of my dead relatives. I felt kind of relieved that they were there, but at the same time, I was afraid because I wasn't ready to die at that point. I remember seeing a bright white light, which I now know after traveling to Heaven on a pretty regular basis was the judgment room. I saw the faces of thousands who had died and passed away. Only they weren't people anymore they were spirits and each spirit was a symbol. The symbol was their soul and their souls were waiting for judgment.
A trumpet sounded in the background and another soul made its way to the massive, blurry cloud. I remember being confused and scared. However, as I tried to make sense of my new surroundings, my consciousness once again began to drift. This time when I awoke, I was laying in my own bed. However, my surroundings were pitch black except for an entity whose body was stretchy out over top of mine. I was lying flat on my bed and this being-- an angel-- was hovering directly over top of me, nose to nose. I could smell its sweet breath and I could feel its energy.
My body was completely frozen stiff. I couldn't move a muscle. The angel hovered over top of me, our bodies symmetrically aligned, its wings beating. There was a particular marking on the angles left should that I now know is the marking of the Archangel Michael. He leaned down, into my ear, and whisper, "Child, it is not your time." He leaned forward and his lips touched mine. He exhaled into my lungs, breathing the breath of life into my lungs. In an instant, I was once again in my apartment. I was once again in my bed. I began choking, as many people do as they are brought back to life. Left on my pillow beside my head was this piece.
This piece is part of the Archangel's Wing. It is encapsulated in this piece. For years I kept this piece because it was special to me, but I think that since I have received my transformation that it is time to pass it on to somebody else so that way they can use it. The piece is incredibly powerful because it gives you a connection to the Archangel Michael. He is the most powerful of the Archangel's. He has helped me overcome many obstacles in my life, including another time that he saved my life. I personally believe that it is because of this piece I was slated for my transformation, but I cannot prove nor disprove that.
Michael will help you overcome all of your difficult situations. He will be your solace when you are alone. He will be your confidante when you don't have anybody else to listen. He will grant you the miracles that you ask of him. When you are poor he offers wealth. When you are hurting he offers healing. When there is danger in your life he eliminates it. He will help you achieve success in all that you do, as long as you are doing it with pure intentions. He will protect you from the darkness. He will make a way for you. He will help you change your destiny if that is what you want.
Not only does this piece give you a direct and very intimate connection to God's most powerful angel, but it gives you a connection to God himself. His knowledge can and will live through you. You will gain an understanding of the universe through God's eyes. You will gain a white light psychic connection not only with the universe but with those around you. You'll be able to see and understand. You will know the things about people you want to know. You will know the things about the universe that you want to know. It's just a very deep, personal connection to both Michael and God that this piece will give to you. I feel like this piece is the one that marked my soul.
I was attached to this piece, but I feel as though I have outgrown it, which is why I am passing it on to others, who may benefit from using it. Again, it is a very powerful, intimate piece. I hope you enjoy it the way that I have.