This piece is a double empowered piece. We got this piece from one o the underground meetings that Deedee goes to and I'll tell you from first hand experience this piece is extremely powerful. However, since we didn't have to go on an investigation to get it, we are not charging an arm and a leg.
The first part of this piece is its ability to act as a spiritual conduit that will align your third chakra with the capstone o the white light pyramid. This will allow you to ascend into Heaven for whatever reason you feel is necessary. However, there is a second piece to this that will give your journey a little more purpose.
There are 19 real stone spheres on this piece. They are gorgeous, but moreover, they are spheres into which you can summon the presence o any angel that you encounter You are not stealing the angel, as the angel is duplicated into this piece. You can think of it like catching Pokemon, but instead of catching fictional creatures that don't exist, you can catch angels that will grant you power, magic, and other metaphysical resources.