This piece holds the spirit of an ancient Atlantean being called Anzarris. He isn't a djinn, but he is pretty much the equivalent of one. Atlanteans did have djinn, but they also have these things called a Zachen. They are almost like guardian angels, but they are the alter-egoes of physical form Atlanteans. Zachens only ever take spiritual form.
Either way, the Zachen has the ability to manifest the wants and desires of the Atlantean entity they have been assigned to. Since this Zachen belongs to you, it will do the same for you. I know you are a human and not an Atlantean, but its 2020 and we have to do these things with an open mind. Wear the piece, bond with the Zachen, then project the things you would like it to do for you. Consider them done. It grant all kinds of really cool stuff like wealth and love and astral magic and psychic ability. It can create magic for you that you want. It can cast a spell for you. It's literally like having Alexa, except a magical version.
You Zachen's name is Anzarris and that is how you will address him for psychic communication.