If you are tired of the mundane world of mortality, then this piece is for you. This piece holds a spark of energy that will allow your soul to ascend the chain of being. The chain of being includes all entities from the Throne of God to the pits of Hell. Everyone and everything else has been born as it is. If you're reading this, then the chances are probably that you have been born with a mortal soul. However, it doesn't have to be this way. With this piece you can ascend (or descend if you really want to) on the chain of being. This means that you transpose your soul from a mere mortal to whatever type of being you choose to exist as. This will allow your soul to become the soul of angel, or a djinn, or a vampire, or whatever you want, but to exist within your human body. You will assume the powers of the soul you choose and when it is time for your mortal body to die, your soul will reincarnate as the being you have chosen. Let me be clear-- you will still be able to acquire the power of your chose soul while still on Earth in the flesh.