This piece is a beautiful glass ring. It is amazing because it contains the energy the birth a specific type of wealth. This wealth is to be determined by the person who ends up buying this item. We call this one Born Wealth.
The magic that is in this piece can be dated back to the times that the Grecian Mystery Schools were created. It holds a simple alchemy spell that turns the energy that has been trapped inside of this all-glass ring into the type of wealth that you want it to become.
All you have to do with this piece is wear it and meditate. It can be worn as a ring or a pendant on a chain. You will meditate with this piece and reflect upon the type of wealth you want it to create for you. You will do this for 14 days straight, 15 minutes a day. On the 15th day, this piece will begin working for you, bringing in the type of wealth that you have asked it for.