If you are feeling a little sluggish lately like you are running out of time to accomplish all that you want to accomplish in your life then you are probably experiencing what a lot of people are experience. However, time is an illusion that was created by a higher being and set into motion. It is governed by the Great Pyramid of Giza, which serves a giant gear whose magic keeps our universe turning. We have not figured out a way for you to escape the time capsule that we exist in. We have pieces that grant immortality. This is not one of them. You would still exist in the time capsule, though because those around you would perish. We come pretty close with this piece, though.
This piece allows you to exist outside of the time-capsule that encloses the universe. You will step into an alternate dimension where time stands still because it doesn't exist. You will be able to travel throughout time and creation to any point on the so-called space-time continuum. You can do this for whatever reason you want, but the most logical would be to experience things that have happened since the Beginning of Tie and to gather magic and energies that will help you secure magical abilities that you will be able to bring back with you and manifest into you own reality!