We have six of these wealth, wish, and charging bags. You can request a specific one, but there is no guarantee that a specific one will be sent. You will ultimately get the one we pick for you. They will charge your items up to 100x as powerful as they are now. Just let your piece charge in the bag for 7 days and at the end of the 7th day, your piece will be fully charged and ready to go.
You can seek out wealth with this bag. Let a coin set in the bag for 72 hours and then spend it as you normally would. The transaction kicks of energy that will grant you the wealth that you want.
Finally, you can use this piece as a wishing bag. You will again allow a coin to sit in the bag for 72 hours. You will take the coin out and make a wish on it. You will simply toss it into a body of water like you did when you were a kid and the wish will come true.