Direct Metatron Summoner
Direct Metatron Summoner
Direct Metatron Summoner
Direct Metatron Summoner
Direct Metatron Summoner

Direct Metatron Summoner

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This piece is a direct summoning piece that calls upon the ancient archangel Metatron.  Metatron is a warrior angel of God.  He also possesses ancient divine wisdom that was granted to him when he ascended into Heaven in his human form of Enoch and was transformed into an angel.  This ancient wisdom is the 72 names of God.  They will be revealed to you gradually as you continually wear your piece.  As Metatron is a warrior angel he will go to battle for you on all fronts.  He will keep you safe from evil.  He will help you overcome life's obstacles.  He will keep you enemies at bay.  He will clear a path for you.  I mean, when you have one of God's most powerful fighting for you, what else could you possibly need?