This piece is more than just a gorgeous sterling silver ring with a purple stone. We got this piece at the Underground Auction, as we did with all the pieces listed this past week. This piece is a very unique piece of magic. It holds the energies of a tablet with ancient codes.
These ancient codes were found on a stone tablet. That tablet was found inside the lost mines of King Solomon. I guess they aren't so lost, after all. Actually, we offered a wealth piece that granted the wealth of these mines a while back. This piece is different, though. The tablet that was hidden was not one that was expected to bring tons of money unless of course, you want it to. Instead, it was a tablet written by the famous hands of one King Solomon.
The secret message etched into these stone tablets was one that could create any type of djinn possible. Wealth djinn, healing djinn, wish-granting djin, protection djinn, astral djinn, white light Heaven djinn, and any other kind of djinn possible-- even a messenger djinn, a grine djinn, etc. These Djinn will grant you many forms of magic-- whatever type of magic that you ask form. We call this piece the Djinn Caller. How does this piece allow you to retrieve djinn? The best way to describe it is that it makes your soul a magnet for djinn. You will be able to simply think of a type of djinn you'd like to summon and it will ble created or called forth for you.