Djinn-gle Jangle, Djinn Caller
Djinn-gle Jangle, Djinn Caller
Djinn-gle Jangle, Djinn Caller

Djinn-gle Jangle, Djinn Caller

Regular price $188.88
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There will be no shipping from January 10 until February 3rd. If you can’t wait for shipping please do not order. There will be no exceptions. All items on Mercari and eBay will be on vacation mode for eBay and unavailable on Mercari until I’m back. The good news is for the first time in 15 years we hired another shipper! They are good and Lindy is training them as I type. Thank you for understanding, Dee Dee

This piece is a sterling locket with a chiming ball on the inside.  Deedee got this piece while she was down at the Underground Auction from an Arab man who she has gotten really powerful djinn from before.  He is from somewhere in the UAE, but he never really gives out his true location and simply jokes that he is "from the big desert."  So, whatever that means.  Either way, he always provides us with really powerful pieces and this piece is no different.  

This piece has been tuned to jingle in dozens of different pitches.  While it will not sound any different to you, in the esoteric realms, the difference of each of these sounds makes quite a bit of difference.  Each of the different pitches, as slight as they are, summons a different kind of djinn.  When summoned, this djinn comes to you and will grant you the magic associated with his kind.  What I mean by this is if you summon a wishing djinn, he will come to you and grant you the wishes that you ask for.  If you ask for a wealth djinn it will come to you and grant you wealth.  If you ask for a healing djinn, then you will receive one of those and it will share its magic with you.  

You will tell the djinn ball what kind of djinn you are looking for.  You will do this via simple meditation during which you reflect on what type of djinn you wish to call forth.  The djinn will be summoned into this locket and will remain with you until what you have asked for has been accomplished.  You will know when your djinn is present because you will be able to communicate with it on a subliminal and telepathic level.