This is an absolutely stunning, gorgeous piece. I really wanted to keep it for myself, but Deede said that this one was specifically set aside for customers, so I couldn't. It is a genuine Kenyan Star Ruby in Platinum over sterling silver. It is a size 10 and has a total carat weight of 7.70. The ruby is beautiful and the piece is matched in the powerful magic that it will deliver to you!!
The piece that we are offering is one that holds a spell from a book known as the Draconicon. The book is actually the journal of one of the most fearsome wizards to have ever lived on Earth. He was not immortal, but his magic is. It lives on within the pages of the Draconicon. As the name suggests this book is a collection of the wizard and his pursuit of dragons. The wizard's name was Krakus and his dragon hunting skills far surpassed even that of Saint George.
Perhaps his most famous episode with a dragon is the one in which he fended on the Dragon of Wawel Hill, who was appropriately named Smok. Yes, that is Smok, no e. I'm not going to get into the whole story, but I will give you some particulars. Basically, the elders in a village told a story about the dragon. Some snot-nosed kids didn't believe them, so they went out and rummaged around the cave where Smok lived. The roused him and things got bad. Animals and people went missing and eventually, the villagers got so desperate that they went to Krakus for help. Krakus was able to figure out a way to slay the dragon and the people of the village were so happy that they made him their king, naming the town of Krakow after him. The end.
What this story doesn't tell the reader is how Krakus had already slain dozens upon dozens of dragons. It was his specialty. He kept a journal of all the dragons he ever killed, complete with descriptions, how he managed to slay them, and what powers each of the dragons possess. He would then use magic to summon the soul of the slain dragon into the picture that he had drawn of it. He did this, as I've said, for dozens of dragons that he had slain from as far away as Asia. Basically, if there was ever a type of dragon that existed, it was definitely written about in the Draconicon. We only know because we have seen the Draconicon.
Not only have we see the draconicon, but we have also been able to use the book to create this extremely useful piece. Now, you will definitely have to do some homework for this one, but this piece holds a cloned versions of each of the souls that were collected by Krakus. You can use this piece to summon and conjure each of these dragons. You will need to know what kind of dragon you want to summon and what you want this dragon to be able to do for you. For instance, Asian dragons are masters of wisdom and the zodiac. English dragons are greedy hoarders of wealth and will grant wealth to those who summon them. Some dragons hoard the knowledge from the universe the same way their reptile cousins, the serpents, hold knowledge. It just depends. You can search for different types of dragons and what they will grant for you. There is the Wyvern, which is another kind of dragon.
You will then use this piece to call forth the soul of that particular type of dragon. The dragon will either come to you in a telepathic form or appear to you in spiritual form and grant you whatever magic they carry with them.