7-18-21 This piece is special because it holds the four sacred kinds of magic that were used by the ancient druids. The piece itself is a dazzling little four=leaf clover charm. Each of the four leaves-- each of the four jewels on this piece-- holds a separate category of ancient druidic magic. The druids believed that every person had the ability to created magic within the and with the help of one of the four elements-- earth, air, wind, or fire that the magic within could be exposed. Each of the four elements is very energetic and powerful, but they each have their own type of magic. For instance, fire magic would be great for summoning and creating djinn. Water magic would be great for conjuring up siren magic for beauty for guiding wealth energies toward you from the astral planes. These are very basic examples. So, depending on which element a druid was akin to determined the type of magic he would learn. This shamrock holds the powers and energies of each of the elements. It also holds the ability o give your mind an ancient druidic awakening. The best part about this is that since all of the energies are present, you don't have to choose one. You will gain the magical abilities of all the elements, which will essentially give you the awakening of a full=powered druid. You will not belong to one of the classes, but to all of them. The types and kinds of magic that correspond to each of the elements will be revealed to you and you will be able to create magic accordingly. Also, the secrets of the thirteen divine trees will be shared with you, which is another rich source of druid magic and magical customs.