We have offered pieces like this in the past and they have been extremely popular. We can't help what we get and when we get and we try to space things out as much as possible, so we aren't selling the exact same types of things. My point is, we've had this one for a while, but we've been waiting to list it. With the Christmas sale going on, I figured now's as perfect a time as ever!!
This piece comes straight from the Vatican. It was given to us through one of Deedee's secret sources. This piece has been at the Vatican for some time, but it isn't necessarily as old as some of the other ones we've received. This piece is an antique, though. It is made of sterling and butterscotch amber. You will see that there are secret markings around the outer band of this ring. That is where the magic begins.
The secret markings on the outer band of the ring are secret symbols of King Solomon. They aren't recorded anywhere in any of his works, at least not any that we know of and we've worked with quite a few. These markings have only been handed down through Masonic affidavits and journals, things like that. The symbols have also been passed down through the Kabal, as this piece is chock full of Kabbalah magic.
When you look at the secret markings on the band, this piece will emit an energy. This energy will give your mind a connection to the Ein Sof. Ein Sof is God in his most primordial form. This connection will give you knowledge that will open you up to the Kabbalah Tree of Life. This is not the actual tree of life, but a map of consciousness that had been developed by ancient magicians of the Kabbalah.
You will gain the knowledge and enlightenment of the 10 Sephirot of the Tree of Life. These are Keter, Chokhmah, Binah, Chesed, Gevurah, Tiferet, Netzach, Hod, Yesod, and Malkuth. Each of these Sephirot will grant you a level of enlightenment that will allow you to be rejoined with the Ein Sof to a greater extent. So, the Ein Sof not only facilitates this enlightenment, but it also is the achievement. The alpha and the omega.
Through this enlightenment, you will receive the 72 Names of God, which are 72 ancient powers of God. Again, we can not reveal these 72 Names, because they are something that you have to experience, not something that I can tell you about. However, the bestowal of this magic will put you on the same playing level that Satan was on before the fall. You will gain God's full knowledge and you will be able to dwell in His presence. He will live inside of you and He will be where you are. His magic will be your magic. His authority will be your authority. You will essentially awaken a gene within yourself that allows you to become God on Earth.