If you think the people wearing the tiny little tin foil hats are crazy, you should probably continue reading this. If they are wearing the hats for the right reason, they probably aren't as crazy as you might thing. I'm not saying that tin foil is going to save you. Trust me, it won't. However, at least those people have the right frame of mind. They believe that the mind is a valuable place that should be protected. These days, it seems like we're not doing such a good job of protecting them at all.
In more modern times all the work of all the previous secret projects of the United States government has come to a culmination. I'm talking about things like MK ULTRA and Project Montauk. There are numerous umbrella projects that extend out beyond these two, but these are two of the major ones. What started out as psychological and psychic warfare projects has turned into something called the Psychic Dictatorship. For those of you outside of the United States you might be wondering, "What does this have to do with me?" Well, I will readily tell you that the Psychic Dictatorship program was begun in the United States, but has since been undertaken by the New World Order as a means to get the masses to fall in line and participate in the one-world government that they wish to establish.
The Psychic Dicatorship refers to the fact that the NWO is using our electronic devices to control our minds. This partnered with the fact that the government has employed millions of trained psychiatrists and psycotherapists to condition the minds of their patients. They have begun doing this with psychoverbal keywords that can be loaded into electromagnetic frequencies and sent into the minds of those who have been trained to react certain ways. They have also begun doing this by prescribing medication that breaks down the stability of the mind, causes hallucinations, causes mental disarray and abnormality, etc. This makes it easier for a mind to be attacked and thus controlled. Nobody is safe. Pretty much everyone is a walking subject waiting for the government to trigger something in your mind.
For those of you who haven't ever been to a shrink and have never been prescribed meds, they are manufacturing drug addictions that will have similar effects as prescription and controlled medication. This is why American currently is a state of Opiod Crisis. These drugs are distributed to people in order to soften their minds and allow the government in. Yes, people are dying left and right but they don't care as long as they have complete control. You might think this sounds crazy, but these drugs have been being smuggled in through killed-in-action soldiers since Vietnam. This method of delivery continues to be effective, which is why we have so many wars going on in the Middle East. Well, that's one reason.
The communication and mind control is done via electromagnetic frequencies. The frequencies that are being used by the government are sent out from a single "Electromagnetic Brain" that can transmit subliminal messages to any person anywhere in the world via electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs0. These frenquencies are all around us. They are given off from our cell phones, our wi-fi, our other smart devices such as tablets and smar Tvs, even our Echo dots. These are ramped up EMFs that are like homing missiles designed to bomb our brains. They speak secret initiatives into our minds that allow them to use electromagnetic sequences to program our minds to do what they want us to do.
On the other end of things we have biotelemtric data retrieval. If you research this it seems like it would be a good thing. It allows healthcare workers to receive biometrics from a remote location to monitor those with a poor bill of healh. However, this is case of the government softening us towards certain things and then using them against us. Also built into many of our everyday devices are biotelemitric frequencies that will automatically pick up on our brainwaves and transmit this date back to the Electromagnetic Brain. This will allow the people who control this brain to know exactly what people are thinking about. These metrics are used together to get certain people to do off the wall things. The government has created such things as false flag attacks and mass shootings using these metrics to control the minds of its citizens. They have also used these methods to incite fear and hatred into the minds of citizens to make them turn on eachother so they don't figure out what they are up to. They have used these methods to make people vote certain ways, adhere to certain religions, have certain values, and to like or dislike certain things. They basically create a reality in which other people simply live. The process hasn't been 100% streamlined or perfect yet or else we'd all be walking zombies, but it is going on and you could be on their list.
You might think that something like this, on such a monumental level, would certainly have its whistleblowers. Well, it has. They have been mocked, ridiculed, and called crazy conspiracy theorists. They have been killed and taken care of. One example of this is author Alex Constantine who wrote a book about all of this stuff. His intentions were to let the public know exactly what was going on. Needless to say he went missing under very suspicious circumstances and has yet to be found. I'm just saying-- if you talk you are taken care of. It's just not just writers and government critics that have gone missing, either. Top level government officials who oppose people such as Obama or the Clintons have blatantly been killed for harboring "secrets" of this type. Reporters have lost their jobs and have gone missing. People have died of mysterious and sudden cardiac arrest.
S0-- what does this piece do for you? Well that's simple. It is a shield for your mind that keeps you protected from anybody ever entering your mind or controlling it. It works against EMF or Biotelemtric attacks. It also works against psychic attacks. It is an impenetrable shield that is created by the energies in this piece. However, it also allows you to project things onto other people-- namesakely your enemies. If you wish to control the minds of other people, to make them do the things you want them to do and behave the way you want them to behave, then this piece is for you, because it will also do that. The stone in this piece holds the energies that both create the shield, as well as project mind control on others. This will be done with something called electromagnetic projection. All you have to do is project in your mind the face of the person whose mind you wish to control. Then you will project how you want to control their minds, what you want them to do, etc. The rest will be handled by the energies in this piece, which was created by the government for a Spec-Op force called the Mind Assassins.