Her name is Elspeth. We don't know much more about her than that. She has not revealed to us from where she has come. Instead, she has allowed her identity to remains somewhat of a mystery, but that's okay because the benefits of the powers that she can grant far outweigh the mysteries of her existence.
When Deedee first picked this piece up in a consignment shop, she had had no idea what she was getting into. She thought that it was just another piece that we'd test and we'd put on the website. She had no idea how powerful the piece was at the time. We do now.
We call her Elspeth, but her real identity is truly unknown. What she has shown us is that she is not just one identity, but she is many. She once took the form of the Witch of Endor. She danced the Dance of Seven Veils as Salome. She was beheaded with the Wurzburg Witches in the 1600s. She has stood in the fiery circles of Ishtar. The temples of the Maya are no mystery to her. She has mastered the jaguar. She once lived among the roots of the 13 trees of the Sacred Grove. She has spun fate with the Moirai. She has seen her fair share of lifecycles and yet here she is, summoned into this piece.
We made contact with her for the first time several years ago during a full moon in April. We aren't sure what was so special about that moon, but that is when she decided to come forth. We have written about these types of creatures before, albeit a long time ago. They are called the Faceless Ones because they take many forms throughout their many lifetimes. Each time they are reborn they are born into more and more power. Elspeth has taken many faces over the years. Using this piece she will show those faces.
Elspeth has taken the form of the people we have told you about, but honestly, there are many forms other than those ones. There are so many forms that Elspeth has taken that she is like a walking encyclopedia of magic. When using this piece you will wear it in front of a mirror. She will appear to you in the mirror in spiritual form. She can and will take many forms, including her current facade. She will appear to you as other entities and when she does,, you will receive the magic and abilities associated with that person's life and existence. For instance, the face of Salome will show you the Dance of the Seven Veils and will grant you the magic it granted the people she danced it for.
Additionally, when using this piece you will be able to reach out to Elspeth to let her know what you are looking for. She will then appear to you in the form of the existence who can grant you the magic that you've requested. She has seen many different lifetimes and can grant you nearly anything you can think of!