Enter the Chinese Zodiac
Enter the Chinese Zodiac
Enter the Chinese Zodiac
Enter the Chinese Zodiac
Enter the Chinese Zodiac
Enter the Chinese Zodiac
Enter the Chinese Zodiac
Enter the Chinese Zodiac
Enter the Chinese Zodiac
Enter the Chinese Zodiac

Enter the Chinese Zodiac

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This piece is not a transformation piece. Think of it as a transposition of sorts. You must be wearing the piece to experience the power, meaning it is not permanent like a transformation. However, as long as you are wearing the piece you will feel like you have undergone a transformation and that is all that matters.  


now that I've got your attention, this piece is potent. It was made by one of the Celestial Guardians is named Sheng Weng. They are the ones that regulate the magic of the Chinese zodiac, which is essentially the same thing as the Western Zodiac except it is calculated and delivered differently. This energy was released to the ancient Orient by the Celestial Guardians who regulated the flow of energy, where it went, and how much was received.  


I'm only telling you this because this is what Sheng Weng and the other Celestial Guardians still do. They still regulate this cosmic energy that enters the atmosphere. Sure, they only regulate the magic of places that would be considered part of the ancient Orient, which is most of Eastern Asia. They have a very powerful pull on who receives what magic if I'm being honest especially /considering the population in China alone.  


My point in all this is that this piece was created by Sheng Weng using various types of celestial and Oriental magic. When you wear this piece the energies will pump through your body. The result is that you will live like a deity on Earth and temporarily you will be able to control the flow of the cosmos. You will be able to tap into the powers of the Chinese Zodiac. You will be able to use these powers to create your own magic with a simple thought. This is the same way the Jade Emporer would be able to create magic, or perhaps the Eight Immortals.  


This is a very, very powerful tool and should be treated as such. It is made from all genuine materials that have come from Asia.