This sterling silver ring holds five white light orbs. These orbs are represented by the real opal and real pink opal on the ring. Each of them is an orb that holds the spiritual essence of a group of individuals that we are calling the Five Divine Helpers. These helpers are all people who were Godly and just and served God in some capacity in the Bible. A small part of the spiritual essence has been retained and set into this piece so that way their powers are always your powers. Following are the five white light helpers and what they can do for you.
1.) Moses- He will give you the secrets to ancient white light magic, including creating and casting miracles, the magic of the Ark of the Covenant, the magic of his staff, and healing magic.
2.) Joshua- He will help you fight your battles and with his help, of course, you will win. We are talking about the one that made the walls of Jericho tumble down. He will also make the walls of your obstacles tumble down, leading to you a life of success and triumph in all that you do.
3.) King Solomon- He is here for one thing and one thing only and that is to grant divine wealth. King Solomon was ridiculously wealthy, so it's about time he pays it forward. You're welcome.
4.) John the Revelator- He is the one to whom the Book of Revelations was revealed. When you use this piece you to will receive holy prophecy. You will understand secrets that are written in the Bible and you will be given your own concerning all sorts of things, including the end of times and visions of white light magic.
5.) Mary Magdalene- This is the woman to whom Jesus gave the secrets of his bloodline. This is also known as the Holy Grail. She will allow you to "drink" from the "holy grail", which is simply giving you the secrets of Christ's bloodline. This will awaken the Christ Knowledge inside of you, allowing you to speak with command and authority over all living things including the ability to call forth any entity of your choose and create any magic of your choosing.