Forty Years of Death:  the Essence of Padre Pio
Forty Years of Death:  the Essence of Padre Pio
Forty Years of Death:  the Essence of Padre Pio
Forty Years of Death:  the Essence of Padre Pio

Forty Years of Death: the Essence of Padre Pio

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On the 40th Anniversary of his death, 40 minutes prior to midnight, the body of the beloved Padre Pio was dug up by 8 Capuchin Friars.  The official reason was a Papal order to prepare the body for public veneration and to preserve it from the threat of humidity.  While this did happen, the monks low-key extracted a bit of the saintly essence of Padre Pio, who was known for his healing, bilocation, astral levitation, and prophetic abilities.  When you wear this piece you will receive his essence and with it, you will be able to do as he did.  You will gain great white light healing abilities, the ability to receive secrets through white-light prophecy, and the ability to project your soul into the astral realms, specifically those of the white-light ascended masters to learn from them and acquire their magic.

This piece is a costume ring with a pale yellow stone.