This ring is called the Divine Ring of Obedience. It holds extremely concentrated powers of the Holy Spirit. This piece was passed to us through Saint Jude, the intercessor and patron saint of desperate cases and lost causes. He holds the ability to cast out especially tricky and treacherous demons. This ring is one of his possessions. It was given to use through a vision that Deedee had in which she saw the saint before her and he handed her the piece.
The piece allows you to speak with the authority of the Holy Spirit to drive out evil and darkness from your own life and the lives of others. You will be able to vanquish these evil forces to the pits of hell where they have come from. Additionally, this piece will also grant spiritual enlightenment and awakening. This is done by wearing the piece and placing your hand on the head of the person being spiritually or psychically healed while reading out a prayer that you will create for yourself and memorize.
Basically, this piece gives you what we call the "hand of the holy spirit" when you are wearing, which gives you authority and the ability to cast our all impurities, make sure they don't come back, and to elevate the existence of humans in a spiritual and and mental way.