Those who subscribe to the Egyptian walk of life will face a much different afterlife than most of us will. When the time finally comes for you to ascend into the spirit world, you will travel down the Hall of Maat. At the end of this Hall, Anubis will be waiting for you. Anubis is also known as the Soul Searcher because he is the one that will weigh your heart and comb through your life to find every good deed that you've ever done and weight it against every bad deed that you've ever done. If he finds your heart to be light enough (basically if you've done mostly good deeds to account for some of the other ones you've done), you shall be remitted into Heaven. If not, your heart will be tossed to Ammut, your soul will be digested and then given another chance at life until you finally earn the ability to be able to pass into the afterlife and enjoy Heaven.
In order to do this, Anubis has help from a tiny god that is simply known as the Sin-Eater. He eats the sin that is stored in a person's heart, which allows Anubis to judge the rest of the good deeds versus the deeds that were eaten by his sin-eater. That's how a final determination is made. This piece has been made by a modern group of Egyptian Sorcerers who practice ancient ways. They use this piece to summon for Anubis' sin-eater so that way they are prepared at all times. We call the sin-eater Little Big Mouth, because he is quite small in stature, not larger than a medium cat. However, he a mouth like a vacuum. He will suck the evil right out of you. This will give you spiritual cleansing, karma cleansing, and aura cleansing. It will help you become more spiritually astute and will eat the sins that you have in your heart, as to make them go away for good!
This is not all that he will do for you. His "suck" is so powerful that he will literally pull all the evil out of your life. He will eat any evil that you are experiencing. If you're under a spell? He'll eat it. If you're under demonic attack? He'll eat it? He's literally like a garbage disposal. He will eat everything that is undesirable right out of your life that is dark or has dark undertones. When we were testing this piece Deedee was so amused by his powers that she began singing, "Eat it. Eat it. Seek out all the Evil and Eat it!!" That's what she does sometimes, but it keeps life interesting.
This piece is a one-of-a-kind item. It is a very unique-looking sterling silver pendant on a sterling silver chain!