Menehune Abudance Magic
Menehune Abudance Magic
Menehune Abudance Magic
Menehune Abudance Magic
Menehune Abudance Magic

Menehune Abudance Magic

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The piece you are getting is this lovely green ring, because green is the color of wealth and abundance!

Like the rest of the world, Hawaii has its fair share of legends.  Some of them are true and some have been embellished with time.  In the case of the Menehune, truth abounds.  I don't expect you to take the word of locals or even look to their many left behind and abandoned structures.  I expect you to believe the magic in this piece.  The Menehune were an ancient race of dwarfed individuals similar to elves or pygmies.  They were known for their prolific magic, as they were deeply rooted to the Earth and nature.  This piece is an example of their magic.  By the way, the Menehune exist to this day, just live elves or fairies-- but you have to know where to find them.  Anyway, this piece grants you the great abundance that has been granted to the Menehune from their gods.  For an example o how great this magic is, all you have to do is look at beauty and lushness of the Hawaiian islands.  The lands are rich and abundant, as your life will be when you own and wear this piece.