This piece is incredibly powerful when it comes to two types of magic. The first of these magics is wealth. The secon of these magics is beauty-- or if you are a man handsomeness. The mermaid that made this piece is one that was able to also take human form. We found her using an item that allowed us to drop the veil and see other entities for their innate, true self. Long story short, she was grateful that we didn't out her for what she really was, so she helped us make this piece.
This piece grants wealth energies that will grant you wealth that you will direct yourself. In doing so you will meditate with the piece and mentally project the type of wealth that you'd like to experience in your life. As for the beauty part of this piece, simply wear it and you will appear favorable to those in your immediate vicinity. This is a matter of perception, so this piece will not change how you actually look, but how you are perceived by others.
Befittingly, this piece is made out of Mother of Pearl.