This piece is a metaphysical corporeal tuning fork. It is sterling silver. It was created by the Illuminati with help from their Reptilian counterparts. It was made with ancient alien technology that has allowed them to reproduce offspring that they can literally program to become anything that they want them to become. It isn't quite clear to us the type of magic used to get these results. What we know is that pieces like this one that we found at the Underground Auction have been used to similarly tune human minds, to make them believe anything that the Reptilian/Illuminati coalition wanted them to believe.
This is how plants were introduced in Hollywood. Well, they were really plants. They were celebrities that were tuned with these instruments to be put under full Illuminati control. They were given handlers that operated these tuning forks that controlled everything the celebrity could do-- from the time they woke up in the morning to the time that they fell asleep at night. Sometimes, when the handler neglected to tell the celebrity what to do they would blank out or simply just stare. They acted out because they completely forgot what it was like to be human so they tried to be as normal as possible and failed. If you don't believe me ask Britney or JB. Ask charlie sheen or Lindsay Lohan.
If you think it stops there, let me tell you that we are only just beginning. Tuning forks such as this one have been known to get rid of certain maladies for those who could afford such a commodity. It is believed that a piece like this one is what allowed Magic Johnson to live so long with HIV (if he even still has it). It is also believed that some high profile individuals have used pieces like this one in order to "tune" COVID-19 out of their system or to "tune" a shield in place so that way they will not get it. It would make sense because you haven't really heard of any super high-profile people dying of the disease. I'm talking about people who could be considered part of the Illuminati.
This piece can also be used to tune your body to certain frequencies in the universe that will deliver magic to your body. These raw energies will be transported to your body and used to create the magic that you want. Your body will then be tuned to the correct frequencies to allow this magic to enter your body as a part of your being. You will not have to wear this tuning fork piece to use the magic after your body has been tuned with the ability.
Finally, this tuning fork can also be used to tune your mind to certain levels of ascension and/or enlightenment. For instance, if you want a 33rd Degre Masonic Enlightenment, this piece will tune your body for that. If you want a Cosmic Awakening, this piece will tune your body for that. if you a full psychic Awakening, this piece can do that too. My point is that no matter what type of knowledge or full awakening you want, this piece will be able to tune your body to receive those things.
This is a very powerful piece and you will be able to use it in the ways that we've described above. You don't want to miss out on this piece because it is also simple to use. You wear the piece. That's it. Those are the instruction. You wear the piece and let the tuning fork adjust your body however it needs to in order to tune you to the right frequency to acquire the things that you want out of it.