This piece is extremely powerful simply because of what it can do for you. The principle behind what grants this piece its power is simple, and frankly, simple to figure out. It is depicted on the front of the piece. It is the power of Metatron's
Metatron is an extremely powerful archangel who got his start on Earth. He was the chose prophet Enoch from the Bible, one of few people who actually got to experience what is called ascension. This is ascending into Heaven in the full physical form and being given a Heavenly body once you get there. In this case, Enoch became an extremely powerful Archangel named Metatron.
Inside Metatron's Cube are forms of knowledge that are called shields. The shields of Metatron are named as such because they give the secrets of the creation of the universe and the powers of his cube are meant to protect them from people who might want to use them for maleficent purposes. These shields are secrets that were revealed to Metatron when he first took his angelic form and they are secrets he has guarded since then, only giving them out to extremely deserving individuals.
The piece that we are giving you is a tie-in piece. This will tie your existence into Metatron's. Through this tie-in, you will receive the revelation of Metatron's cube. To be honest, nobody knows for sure how many shields are in the cube, but some of the shields that you will receive are sacred numerology, sacred geometry, sacred lineage of the Christ bloodline, manifest divinity, sacred connection to the Holy Trine, Cosmic Manipulation, Divine Cosmosis, Deified Existence, and those are just a few. This is a very powerful and very revelatory piece. If you want pure white light magic, this piece will definitely give it to you.