Open the Gates of Alexandria
Open the Gates of Alexandria
Open the Gates of Alexandria
Open the Gates of Alexandria
Open the Gates of Alexandria
Open the Gates of Alexandria

Open the Gates of Alexandria

Regular price $820.00
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This piece is phenomenal. I know that we say this about a lot of our pieces, but that's because they really are phenomenal. However, this piece goes above and beyond to allow you to experience something that we have never offered before. This is a brand-new experience. I wouldn't say it's a brand new type of experience because we offer pieces that are similar to this one, but they are related to other matters and other places.

If you are big into knowledge and big into Egyptian magic, then this piece is definitely for you. We call it the Gates of Alexandria. The reason we call it this is because inside of this scarab beetle that is situated atop a sterling cuff bracelet is what we refer to as a time thumbprint. You can think of it as a point in time that has been preserved in a time-capsule.

This piece is very, very old. We don't want to give a number that isn't accurate and we really have no way of telling exactly how old it is, but it is definitely old. The piece was made by a fraternity known as the Sons of Ra, which we have highlighted before in our offerings. However, this piece is more powerful than the one or two items that we have listed that were created by the Sons of Ra. Both have sold.

This piece is a metaphysical experience. You will meditate with it and when you do it will pull your astral form out of your body, transporting it to ancient Alexandria. When you are there you will first notice some peculiar things. For instance, there are living Griffins. There are living Sphinx. They fly about at their leisure, conversing in a language that they only understand. They can speak any language they want, though. They only speak human dialogue when they are granting requests or dispersing knowledge and magic.

There are pyramids in this realm everywhere. Atop each pyramid is an actual eye that lives and sees in a million different directions, scouring existence for magic. Every pharaoh to have ever served in alive inside of this realm in a hall called the Royal Court of Pharaohs. You can visit their sections and ask them to grant you knowledge and power. You wouldn't be hard-pressed to find somebody else to do it if they don't. This is because the Egyptian gods are alive and well in this realm also. They will grant you the magic and knowledge that you want and need. This includes both ancient magic and other types of magic that they know. These gods are present in the form of enormous marble statues in a hall called the Center Court.

In this realm, there is a place called the Library of Alexandria. It is taken care of by highly magical and knowledgeable people called Librarians. These Librarians know their magic because they live among the texts. This library is a replica of the original and it holds all the original documents. The difference? This library is super high-tech. It can upload magic and knowledge into your body through a method called retina scan. If you think that sounds zany or impossible all you have to remember is that today's smart devices can scan a retina for mere security purposes.

In the Library of Alexandria, a central bank of intelligence has been formed. The library contains copies of every scroll, tablet, or other divine or holy writing. It literally contains the whole of universal knowledge, which it can upload into your mind (and body) so that way you can access it later. This is any power, any magic, any ability, any anything. It is simply pure knowledge, accessible by those who visit this Alexandria pocket realm. This piece can be likened to astral travel, but the fact is this realm exists within this piece. It has been created and preserved inside of the tiny scarab beetle that you see on the bracelet.

This city, as a regular civilization would have, has survived and advanced. The result is a highly advanced race of human beings that exist in the only form of existence they know, which is Alexandria. They are immortal, the populate, they create magic, they are just like you and me, only they exist inside of the Alexandria realm that was created using quantum magic. Again, this is a very old and very powerful item. Those of you who are into astral travel and especially those of you who are into Egyptian things-- this piece is definitely for you. It allows you the experience of actually being there versus just learning about it. Your horizons are open as to what type of magic you will explore with this piece.  There is also a river that flows in this realm called the River Immortal.  It grants immortality to anybody who drinks from it.

If you are up for an adventure and you want to visit an ancient place with a twist of modernization this piece is for you. If you want deep-rooted magic that will grant you pretty much anything you want, then this piece is for you. If you want to visit a hub of knowledge where all knowledge exists then this piece is for you. This piece, as stated before, is phenomenal. It's one of my favorite pieces that we found this year at the Underground Auction.