The picture shown is a strand of seed beads. You will only get two of these beads shipped to you, but two is all you will need. When you get the beads you can put them on a string, put them in a locked, put them in small jewelry bag, work them into existing jewelry, whatever you want to do with them really. However, you must be carrying them around with you at all times in order for the energies to meld with your body.
The energies in this piece hold ancient Atlantean Pineal opening energies. This a fancy way to say that they will open up your third eye. This will allow for psychic visions and the acquisition of psychic abilities. The more you wear your beads, the more the energies will meld with you and you will notice more and more psychic abilities coming to you daily. Some of these abilities include the ability to read others' minds, the ability to see the future, and the ability to move things with the mind.