The piece you are receiving is a beautiful sterling ring that contains a gorgeous stone. It sparkles when you turn it in the light. The best part is that the powers in this piece are unlimited and they are extremely powerful!!
This piece is a revelatory piece. It provides a lot of information for as small as the item is. It was confiscated from the pentagon. We have a source from within that can secure these types of items for us from time to time. This one is huge because it underscores the secret workings of the United States government and the fact that they are will to go to extreme measures to hide things from the public.
First and foremost, I'll tell you that this piece comes to us as a result of something called the Babylon Project. This project was initiated by the Majestic 12. The Majestic 12 is a group of scientists that are commissioned by the government to research all things related to extraterrestrial existence. Some members of the Majestic 12 are aliens themselves. If you want to know about them more in-depth you can do some quick research online.
Project Babylon is an outreach program that was designed by the Majestic 12 as a means to develop contact with lifeforms from deep space. The program is not necessarily a new program, but there have been some specific new developments. These developments come on the heels of a mysterious interstellar object that first passed through our solar system in 2017 during the Autumnal Equinox.
It was during this that Number Stations from all over the world began to receive very strange numerical coding. They didn't last very long simply because they were intercepted by the interstellar communication program developed by the Majestic 12. Radio hobbyists and communicators around the world soon began to see this numerical coding as some sort of weird fluke, but that isn't the case.
The sequencing and sounds hear around the world, before they were intercepted, were communications by ancient visitors that passed by on the interstellar object that was named Oumuamua by scientists on Earth. Oumuamua is a chunk that broke away from a "super-earth" that exists somewhere in a different star system in the universe.
The purpose of the communications from the aliens on Oumuamua was to communicate to humans a numerical sequence that would allow them to visit a place called the Alien Offering Garden. As we have told you before, existence is a matrix that has been created using a complex and sacred numerical sequencing. In this case, the sequencing would have allowed humanity to open up a set of vortices to the Alien Offering Garden.
The Alien Offering Garden is a place where mortals can go to make offerings to the race of aliens that exist on Oumuamua. These are very powerful alien beings and can be compared to the ancient Atlanteans, except it was even more advanced than that. In the Alien Offering Garden, you are given enlightenment that will awaken a gene inside of the human body that already exists, and that is the gene that allows us to fully communicate with animals. This is necessary because the aliens are Reptilian type aliens and they use the same psychic frequencies necessary to communicate with animals.
The Alien Offering Garden is used in the context of these beings viewing as the aliens because to them we are the aliens. There are numerous other types of forms of existence in the world. We are only one of many. The Offering Garden is a place where the Oumuamua aliens allow foreign races of aliens (such as ourselves) to make offerings to receive certain gifts. The offerings that accept is an uploading of the knowledge of our brains and minds. The Oumuamua crave this type of knowledge.
In exchange for the offering of knowledge, the Oumuamua Aliens agree to upload different numerical frequencies into the bodies of those that visit the Alien Offering Garden. These frequencies will manipulate the existence of these visitors in ways that will allow them to be infused with whatever powers, magical abilities, knowledge, etc. that are given to the visitors. These bits of information are planted like seeds inside the human body that will become fully bloomed in a matter of time.
All of these things were discovered by the current members of the Majestic 12 and they created pieces that allowed their members and certain members of the elite society that rules the Earth to enter the Alien Offering Garden. Again, this is done with numerical sequencing frequencies that have been built into the piece. They are able to remit themselves into the Alien Offering Garden where they offer their knowledge for the things that they most desire, no matter what they are.
This piece will allow you the same ability. It will manipulate your mind with these numerical sequences that will allow it to transcend into the Alien Offering Garden. You will offer bits of your knowledge to the Oumuamua Aliens in exchange for the things you want. This knowledge will not be erased from you or your memories, only share with the aliens. In exchange, they will upload frequencies that will allow you to grow the powers and abilities and/or the knowledge that you want inside of your own body.
What you get will be anything from certain types of enlightenment to powers to the ability to traverse the universe to the ability to open up doors and portals to other universes and planes of existence. You can ask for wealth or love. You can ask for knowledge of anything and it will be given to you. There are many different frequencies that can be planted within, so you can ask away and whatever you ask for will be planted and uploaded within you.
The best part about this piece is that you can use this piece as often as you'd like. As long as you are living you are constantly receiving new information and knowledge that is valuable to the Oumuamua aliens and they will offer you want you want in exchange.