This is some gimmicky souvenir piece or something like that in Seattle. I'm not really sure how it came into our possession, but it did. We were going to just rid of it, but then Deedee thought that we should spruce it up just a bit, so that's exactly what we did.
I'm not going to list them all because it would take an incredible amount of typing to do so, but this piece has been imbued with the essence of over 100 luck deities. From Mayan to Egyptian. From Atlantean to Celtic. From Sumerian to Native American, we've got you covered!
This piece is now truly a lucky penny. It will bring you luck in whatever area of your life you need it. It can bring you luck in love, luck in wealth, luck in health, luck in magic, luck in court, etc. Really, whenever there is anything that is left up to fate this piece will be there, doing its thing and helping you turn out on the better side of luck.