There are plenty of desolate areas in Pennsylvania. It is a state that was practically chartered for the secrecy. Its name literally means Penn's Woodland. The terrain of Pennsylvania is very mountainous and that makes it easy to hide in. I've gotten lost in Pennsylvania before and I'm from the place. If you want to be hidden-- Pennsylvania is the place to be.
I found this piece on a road trip that I was on with a friend of mine. I'm not going to bore you with the details other than to tell you that we ended up getting lost. We were driving on the highway and there dead in the middle of the highway without any warning was a sign that said, "DO NOT ENTER."
With no other options, we ended up turning down some dirt side lane that led us literally into the thick of the woods. Our cell phones lost all signal. No Internet. No phone service. Nothing. There were shuttered up and boarded up cabins every so often. It was probably one of the creepiest experiences in the state of Pennsylvania that I've personally ever had.
Look, long story short we ended up in some sort of underground bunker that my friend spotted back in the woods. I mean, the thing was hidden well, because by that time we had gotten turned around 7 or 8 times and turned onto 5 other branch-offs of the dirt road we were on.
Inside of the bunker was the most peculiar thing. There was a desk and scatter on the desk were blueprints of some sort. There was a book-- it appeared to be some sort of manual-- written in German. There was also a letter written in German along with a photograph of a Nazi soldier from WWII. Written in the letter was a code.
As it turns out the code was for a rusty old safe inside of which this piece was hidden. That's how we found it. Wish the story was a bit more adventurous, but that's how we found it. We eventually found our way out of the melee that was the Pennsylvania woods. Then, the real fun began.
I'm just going to get to it. We have tested this piece. This piece is extremely, extremely powerful. That's because it holds Nazi magic. Now, I don't know if this piece has been old enough to be made by the Nazis, but even it wasn't created by the Nazis, this piece holds their magic.
So here's the deal. I don't know why I didn't put two and two together before, but PA is a heavily German populated area. I mean, we're home to the Amish and the Mennonite and the PA Dutch (who aren't Dutch at all, but German which is called Deutschland in the native German language). I know it's confusing. My point is that some of the Nazis escaped to PA where I guess they had familial ties.
Well, one or some must-have escaped to the underground bunker that we were in and lived there until he died, or was caught and hanged or something. I don't know. All I know is that this piece holds authentic German magic that was developed by Josef Mengele in Nazi Germany. He's the one that was obsessed with twins. He himself escaped to South American. I have no idea who left this piece behind, though.
Why is this piece so powerful? Well, there are actually several answers to that. However, the first and most important answer is that this piece allows you to manifest what is known as a soul doppelganger. This soul doppelganger is an exact build of your soul that can only exist in astral form. It is born from your own soul, it has your characteristics and is basically another you in soul form. Only you can see it, only you can control it, etc.
Why would you want something like this? The first answer to that is why not? It's super cool. Second, you can send this doppelganger to anywhere in existence you want. It will see and experience things that will become part of your own memory and recollection. It will find the magic that will then become part of your own existence. Essentially, what you have is a spiritual journeyman that will go anywhere in the known or unknown universe in search of any knowledge or magic that you want it to find for you.
So, while I really can't tell you exactly what this piece will ultimately end up bring you, I can confidently say that it will bring it. It was created with magic that was developed by Joseph Magele through his obsession with twins. He figured out a way to create the spiritual twin that could travel through the universe at many times the speed of life, acquire the knowledge that we need, and then lay dormant until needed again. It is the perfect metaphysical companion to allow you to acquire the magic that you so desperately desire.
The reason this piece is hands holding stones is the next reason that I'm going to tell you. It holds the presence of the Cosmic Conscious. This is a collection of every thought ever thunk by a human mind, or any mind for that matter, within the universe. You will have unlimited access to those thoughts. These include thoughts of magic and power that you will be able to be used and manifested into your everyday lives. This is basically any type of magic that you want.
Both of these powers together are what makes this piece so unique and so powerful. i mean, other than the fact that the magic component was created by the Nazis. Either way, it's powerful and you will be able to use it to bring you all the magic that you want and/or need.