We have two of these rings and they both hold a different entity in them. One holds an older and wiser entity and the other holds a younger and more powerful entity. You will have to determine which one the two that you want and then place your order accordingly. The entities that are held in the ring are called the Sages of the Sevenfold Destiny. The Sevenfold Destiny is an esoteric achievement that the Sages have achieved already, which has given them seven arcane powers of the universe. When you order one of these pieces you will also be enlightened and the seven arcane powers of the universe will be given to you. The sages' names are Seamus and Nicodemus. Seamus is older and wiser and takes a kind of laid back approach to things, where he considers all that is going on and the handles it with practicality. Nicodemus is younger and handles things with brute force and power. He is admittedly more powerful than his older counterpart, Seamus. However, sometimes his power trips find him in a bit of a pickle. There's nothing that he can't get out of though. It's just that he is a little bit more life on the edge, whereas Seamus is a bit reserved. If you buy both rings, the two sages will work together and will triple the amount the power you get.
As for the seven Arcane Powers of the Universe, here they are:
1.) Psychic Awakening
2.) Etheric Transitioning
3.) DNA Adaptation
4.) Generation of Realities
5.) Cosmic Connection
6.) Complete Sensory Awakening
7.) Manifestation of Desires