This is another very simple and easy piece to understand. You need to do nothing with this piece other than wearing it. You will need to provide a chain to wear it on, but you will wear the piece. The piece is a sterling silver chime ball. On it is featured an angel with a scroll.
When you wear this piece you will be harmonized to the tune of the angel. This angel carries with it revelations of the seven scrolls. On the seven scrolls are the secrets that have been written about it the Book of Revelations in the Bible. However, there are also seven magics for the End Times that is associated with each of the seven scrolls.
We are not allowed to reveal the seven ancient and secretive magic, but when you wear this piece the magic will be revealed to you. All seven forms of magic are relevatnt to the End of Times. They will help you survive and they will help you make it through. This is a survivalist's dream piece.