This piece is very has a magic in it that is history in the making. It holds the presence of one of the ancient jaguar gods of the Aztec. His name is Tezcatlipoca, but that is a lot to type without messing it up so I'm just going to call him Tez for short.Tez is one of the central deities in the Aztec pantheon of gods and this piece was made by a shaman during his festival, which was called Toxcatl, which is traditionally held in the month of May. Tez is a shapeshifting deity and appears in many forms, but the jaguar is his favorite because it is his most powerful form. His name can be broken down to mean smoking mirror, which researchers believe has something to do with the fact that he was associated with obsidian, a compound that was used to make mirrors in Mesoamerica. There's that and then there is the fact that Tez walks through reality in mirrors. He can be summoned through mirrors and that is exactly what this piece will do for you.
When using this piece, you will meditate in front of a mirror. It doesn't have to be large, it can be a small handheld looking glass. The mirror acts as a portal that will bring Tez out. Tez also happens to be the god of ancient divination and sorcery. You know what that means right? Yes, he is able to grant any power or magic that you ask of him. Being that you have already gone to the trouble ot raising him from the divine realms, he will grant what you have asked of him. This connection will come via telepathic vibes and/or full spiritual apparition. It depends on how in tune you are with Tez's spiritual frequencies. Once you have asked him for whatever it is you are asking him for, you will wear this piece until he reconnects with you and lets you know that the magic has been granted!