Soul Reflections II
Soul Reflections II
Soul Reflections II
Soul Reflections II
Soul Reflections II
Soul Reflections II

Soul Reflections II

Regular price $110.00
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This is a scrying piece that can be used with a mirror.  You must be wearing the necklace or at least have it in your possession in order for it to work.  You will sit in front of a mirror and you will call to the spirit or soul that you want to appear to you.  Here's the kicker-- it will do souls of all types.  Most times like this will only do the souls of humans who have passed on, which is a pretty impressive feat in and of itself.  However, this piece goes above and beyond and will also summon the souls of other types of entities such as vampires, werewolves, witches, fairies, or any other type of soul that you want to summon.  


The magic that has gone into this piece comes from the Ba'al Shem, who was an excellent medium.  He has made different pieces throughout history.  This is not a piece that he made personally, rather a piece that has been made with his magic.  The best part about this piece is that if you conjure an entity with magic powers or abilities, you piece will absorbed those magical abilities and you will able to use this piece to then acquire those abilities.