This piece was created per a secret memorandum that was discovered in Nikola Tesla's Manhattan apartment when the government raided it after his death. Most of the information thereby discovered remains in the hands of the government, but some of it got sold off to different people or entities. This is how the information that was used to create this piece became available to those who created it.
This piece is called the Tesla Fusion because when you own this piece you get to pick the spiritual essence of one entity to be put into this piece. It can be a vampire, angel, djinn, a werewolf, or something else that you decide. We will work with the master conjurer on this piece. The spiritual essence will be set into the stone on this piece. You will then wear the piece and the spiritual essence will be merged with your own. In doing this, you will gain the knowledge and magic of whatever entity you have chosen,
Upon receiving this piece, you will need to email one of us to let us know what particular entity you want to be set into this piece, with which you will be fused. This piece is especially powerful because it is made with what Deedee believes to be real gold wire, which means it is extra conducive!