Tesla Healing Coil
Tesla Healing Coil
Tesla Healing Coil

Tesla Healing Coil

Regular price $65.00
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Many of you know that there are great healing benefits to many different types of gemstones, crystals, and other types of stones.  Examples of healing stone include, but are not limited to, Rose Quartz, Iron Pyrite, Tiger's Eye, Hematite, Raw Emerald, Citrine, Celestine, etc.  Each stone has been energetically charged with different types of healing powers.  Nikola Tesla knew this better, perhaps than anybody else, which is why he invented a prototype coil into which any of these stones could be placed.  The result was a quickening of the healing effects of each of these types of stones.  This bracelet is one of the prototypes that we had built for us.  There is an amethyst in one of the holes.  This is to be kept there.  This grounds the energies and allows them to flow freely into your body.  You can choose any other stone to put into the other side.  The energies of the coil will amplify the energetic and spiritual essence of the stone and will vastly increase how the stone gives you its energies.  The healing process caused by the stone will be amplified and increased and you will be healed in no time.  To use this piece is very simple.  You put the stone in the piece, wear the piece, and off you go.