As I sat here earlier reading an article from the New York Post about an attempted autonomous zone in Portland, I couldn't help think about the fact that my godmother told me that at mass on Sunday, the priest told her to start readying herself for the apocalypse. Then, I think about the monoliths that have been popping up all over the world. I think about the Georgia Guidestones and how they warn against overpopulation and hatred on Earth. This pestilence, COVID-19, and the locusts that nearly destroyed Pakistan and other countries in the Middle East only further the case-in-point. The times are coming folks. Even if I had never stepped an astral food in Heaven, I would be able to decry that the times are coming. The question is what have you done to protect yourself? If the answer is nothing, then perhaps you should consider this piece.
This piece is a heavy sterling silver bracelet. It was made in Italy and it belonged to a Catholic bishop (one of the good ones who is still fighting the good fight). The story of how we came across this piece is simple. It was sent to us by the bishop. He told us that he had a vision and in this vision, an angel showed him exactly what to do with the piece, which was sent to us. The person who is supposed to end up with this piece will, of this much I can assure you. In the meantime, allow me to explain to you the powers in this piece.
This piece holds the energies of the 26 Statues that were unearthed in the Rhone Valley in Switzerland in the 1980s. They were found at St Stephan's Church. You can research the details if you want to, but basically, a church was built atop an old Roman building. In the 80s the building was being renovated and when they pulled up the floorboards a secret ossuary was found with three feet of bones dating back to between the 13th and 16th Centuries. Among these bones was the presence of 26 Statues.
Tied to these 26 statues are the spirits of the 26 Unknown Saints. They are the driving forces behind God's war against evil and they are the ones that helped him fight the war against Satan. They are eternal and ancient. These unknown Saints hold 26 protection powers that will keep you safe from danger when the stuff hits the fan. We don't know their names, hence the fact that we call them the 26 Unknown Saints. They were created by God for the sole purpose of the protection of humanity, but they somehow got lost in the church. They hold various protection powers such as protection from possession, protection against demonic attacks, protection from mind control, protection from deception, protection from curses/hexes, protection from financial ruin. I mean, the list goes on and on. When you wear this piece you are literally protected from everything, which is why the bishop has worn it for so long. He has even used it during exorcisms to keeping himself safe. He knows that times are coming, so that is why he has sent it to us.
Another thing that this piece will do is the following. With the convergence of saints comes the ability to grant miracles. It is written in the Bible that wherever 2 or 3 are gathered in His name, there the Lord shall also dwell. Well, there are 26 saints in this piece, working together. The Lord certainly dwells with them. As such, by using the powers in this piece you will be able to create your own miracles. These miracles can be for yourself or they can be for somebody else. Ask it and it shall be received.