The Blood Red Flame of the White Light Crystal Pyramids
The Blood Red Flame of the White Light Crystal Pyramids
The Blood Red Flame of the White Light Crystal Pyramids
The Blood Red Flame of the White Light Crystal Pyramids

The Blood Red Flame of the White Light Crystal Pyramids

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If you are into divine magic than this is the piece for you!  This piece is actually a set consisting of a pair of earrings and a necklace.  The earrings don't have to be worn if you aren't into them.  You can just wear the necklace if you want and the magic will function properly.  We created this piece during an astral journey that found us in Heaven.  While there we came across the white light crystal pyramid.  We were able to go inside and explore, at which point we found ourselves in the middle of the pyramid, honestly a little bit concerned that we might not find our way out.  You might think that since we were in astral form nothing could have possibly happened.  However, we were only testing a piece.  On top of that, the piece didn't have grounding magic.  On top of that, there are certain anomalies that can keep you trapped even in the astral form. 

Either way, we are safe obviously.  However, when we were perusing we found this chamber and in the chamber was a candlestick that burnt with an eternal red flame.  This isn't the red normally associated with fire, but a blood-red flame.  The flame represents the blood of Christ.  It is the heart and soul of the pyramid and is the life energy that allows the pyramid to maintain its status as a living organism.  We were able to summon the essence of this flame into a piece that we had brought with us.  Again, I know we were in astral form and it's a very difficult process, but taking objects with can be done. 

This piece holds the spirit of the blood-red flame of the Crystal Pyramid.  When you wear this piece you will be given the knowledge of the white light crystal pyramid in Heaven.  You will be able to travel to the pyramid, as we did, and search for the white light abilities and magic that you desire.  The pyramid is a storehouse for all of God's white light knowledge and magic, so those are the types of magic you will be faced with.  They are yours for the taking if you want them.  All you have to do is wear this piece when you are astral traveling and the magic you come across will be duplicted into it.