This piece holds the magic of a relic that was found in a place called the buried Pyramid. You can look up the detailed history of this pyramid online, but in a nutshell, the buried pyramid is the remains of what appears to be a pyramid that was never finished. The fact is that this pyramid was finished. It was just finished in a different way.
While the base of the buried pyramid exists in this physical realm, the remainder of the pyramid exists only in the spiritual form. It is an energy hub that is on Earth, which was given to the pharaohs in ancient times. The energy hub holds the ancient knowledge of the universe.
Inside of this pyramid is an ancient form. There isn't really a name for what type of entity this form is. If there is a name, we certainly don't know it. The entity is sort of a revelatory entity. I say this because it shows you the things that you want to know. It doesn't matter whether these are the secrets of ancient Egypt, the secrets of ancient Atlantis, or the history of the cosmos. Whatever you want to see, the pyramid shows to you.
The energies in the pyramid also help you achieve ascendence into a state of perpetual knowledge. This knowledge will be fed to you from the Cosmos and the intelligence at the center of the universe. Again, this will show you the things you desire to know and will even funnel energies and magic powers into your subconscious, so that way you can manifest them into your existence.