Most people have been dumbed down, so they will say, "Yeah, okay the government has a vampire gene! Got it!" The fact is that they do have a vampire gene of unknown origins. They have been working with it for some time now, attempting to establish a dominant race of warriors that could kill quickly and die slowly. They have been somewhat successful in their endeavors, but the project has (for some reason) been officially shelved. Maybe they found their alien projects to be more beneficial. I couldn't tell you.
We have this piece. The vampire gene is a metaphysical one, so it enters the body by way of a frequency. This frequency is held within this piece. This will instill the vampire gene within you but it will not give you a total transformation. Instead, it will allow you to manifest vampiric magic within yourself. These are the abilities of a "regular" sanguine vampire, but from our experiences with the piece, you do not require blood. You are fed through sunlight, which carries solar rays.
To receive or manifest a power, you will meditate upon the concept of that ability for 15 minutes, then wait for the ability to come to you. It could take another half an hour, it could be two weeks. It depends on how well