The Temple Mount. The Haram esh-Sharif. The Noble Sanctuary. These are all names for the same place. It is the place where the Temple of Jerusalem once stood-- first built by Solomon and then again built by Zerubbabel. Within the Temple was a place called the Holy of Holies. This is the place that God would come to communicate with the High Priests who were allowed to enter.
The Holy of Holies is a place that draws a parallel to a very sacred place that dates back to ancient times. It is the place where God stood on Earth to create the universe. It is also the place around which the Garden of Eden was formed and where Adam and Eve were able to peer up into the sky and see God himself, face to face.
At this particular place in the Garden of Eden grew a flower called the Immaculate Rose of Eden. It's a flower that was blessed by God to grow and facilitate a connection between Humanity and Heaven. It was grown by God in anticipation of the Falling of Mankind. The flower still grows scarcely in the Garden of Eden to its place of Ascension where God hid the Garden of Eden after Adam and Ever were forced to leaven.
This necklace is 14k gold and appropriately depicts a rose. It holds the powers of the Immaculate Rose of Eden. When you wear this piece you will receive an enlightenment that comes straight from Heaven. When you meditate with this piece you will be able to see Heaven in your mind. This includes being able to look upon the throne, but not the face, of God. You will be able to see the angels to and to absorb their powers and energies. You will be able to see the crystal pyramids and the magic that it holds. This is a very open-ended piece that allows you to see and experience Heaven in its fullest form and even absorb some of the powers and energies that exist there!