When you wear this piece you are receiving the shades of some very powerful people/entities. We were able to create this piece using an item that allowed us to travel to Sheol, which is where shades exist. If you don't know what a shade is you can look it up if you want to, but in a nutshell a shade is the part of a human soul that is separated from the part that goes to the afterlife.
The shade is kept in the Underworld and is oftentimes reincarnated into a nother lifecyle. Sometimes when mortals become immortal their shades end up in the underworld and their soul stays with them. To be honest, it is a very complicated system. What we know for certain is that in Sheol there are shades. We found these Shades while using a piece that allowed us to travel there. We fused these shades into this piece. This piece had colored beads. Each of the beads holds a different shade.
The best part about owning a shade is that you receive the powers, magic, abilities, and knowledge that is associated with the shade. The shades that we acquired are from very well-known people. They are listed below, along with the power that they will bring you. There are 11 beads meaning that you are getting 11 shades. It doesn't matter which bead corresponds to which shade, as you will have access to all of them when you wear this item.
1. Marie Laveau who will cast Voodoo spells on your behalf and will take care of all of your Voodoo needs.
2. Vladimir Tepes who will grant you the Sanguine abilities that crave without ever needing to take a drop of blood.
3. Heracles the hero and warrior who will help you overcome all of your obstalces. It doesn't matter what they might be.
4. John Dee who will give you the power of Enochian to command the angels and to speak with the authority of God.
5. The goddess Isis who will help you create the magical abilities that you want and need in your life.
6. The Ba'al Shem who will show you your future. You can use this piece when making decisions to see how the consequences of each decision will play out.
7. Cleopatra who will grant you beauty and seduction. She will also help you find true love.
8. Marie Antoinette who will grant you the wealth that she enjoyed while she was the queen of France.
9, 10, 11. The Moirai who are the three weavers of fate. They will allow you to change your destiny to include or disclude anything that you want.