The Pedra da Gavea
Technically the Pedra da Gavea is a mountain in South America. The thing is that it isn't a normal mountain at all. You can liken it unto the Sphinx in Egypt because it was brought to South America in ancient times either by gods or aliens-- nobody really seems to know. All that is know is the Pedra da Gavea has been written on in ancient Phoenician, which further adds to the mystery, "What is going on here?" We have this piece that has absorbed the powers of the Pedra da Gavea. These energies are purely supernatural and metaphysical and provide an enlightenment that opens up the cosmos within your mind, allowing you to bring forth the presence of the cosmic mind. This will allow you to manifest your own powers, abilities, and realities simply by thinking them in your mind. What more is that you will be connected to the Pedra da Gavea. You might not ever find out who put it there, but the rock is seriously powerful and will allow you to exist on a high frequency and collect the powers of the universe.