If there is one thing that I have learned along the way it is that when you think you know all about something, the fact is that you are really just beginning. I'm just going to dive right into this one because there is no better way to tackle it. I could spend the next four hours talking about it and what it could possible mean for humankind or existence at large. However, I doubt you want to read a four-hours-worth description.
This piece was made with an anomaly that was found in Peru. It was found at the bottom of Lake Titicaca but the entire existence of the anomaly has been kept hush-hush. Scientists really have no idea what's going on, as per usual. They have taken what they have found to a secret, nearby scientific laboratory for "safe-keeping" and most likely more examination.
Here's the thing. We infiltrated operations via remote viewing through other people's bodies. Yes, we hi-jacked a couple of bodies for a while. It's not the end of the world. We only did it because Deedee had a vision about the thing. Long story short, what we were able to find out is that whatever the thing is that was found works in sync with the Antikythera Mechanism.
If you don't know what the AK Mechanism is then I suggest you stop reading and go do some research on that. That is a whole conversation in and of itself. What I will say is that AK Mechanism is part of a computer that was used to distort the space-time continuum as it exists. It allowed the ancients to be able to travel in and out of time and space as they see fit.
The newer mechanism we tall the Titicaca Mechanism or the TC Mechanism. You won't be able to find any research on this becasue while the research it exists, it doesn't exist if you catch my drift. It's kind of like those Majestic 12 projects that we talk about from time to time. They just keep on happening and recordig of their events just somehow keep on not happening.
Anyway, the TC Mechanism is somehow related to the AK Mechanism, which is proof that a much larger device once existed. If there was once a much larger device, how many other pieces are there that could be found on Earth. What if some of them were alread found and we just don't know? What if we are being controlled by their effects or what if there is something that these mechanisms could do to change humanity and we just don't know it? They could usher in a evolutionary change that could save us all, perhaps?
This project is in process, but for the time being I want to make certain that it is known that this piece is very ancient. It is so ancient, in fact, that the ancient indigenous people of Peru used the magic that came from this piece. I don't know how they knew about it before and then it was lost to time, but that's the case. Very simply put the part of the whole that was found that we are calling the TC Mechanism is specifically designed for genetic code warping.
Just so you have this straight-- the AK Mechanism is for the distortion of space-time reality. The TC Mechanism is for the distorion and warping of genetic coding. It sounds like whatever is going on is quite advanced. Discovering the entire computer system could explain a lot of things about not only Earth, but the universe in its entirey. For now, we will have to settle for this piece. It holds the abilities of the TC Mechanism.
In ancient times, the people who populated Peru thought that the mechanism was some sort of Lake God. It could grant them things like full physical healing. It allowed for full spiritual enlightenment, the awakening of the God Particle within the human body (they didn't call it that, but that's what it was), and various other genetic manipulations. Among these was the ability to full shapeshit into the likeness of a Jaguar, although not everybody could do this. Many died trying which is why we have manipulated how the piece will work for you. The Jaguar was sacred to the ancient Peruvians and those who were successful in their shape-shifting were considered demi-gods.
This piece is sterling silver and holds three scratch marks that pay homage to the sharp claws of the Jaguar from the experiences of the ancients with this machine. Here's the bottom line-- the mechanism somehow has the genetic coding for all living things you would be able to think about, more earth-related things, and then different types of creatures from other parts of the universe. I know it's very strange, but there are also other transhuman entities that most will be interested in such as vampires, djinn, werewolves, etc.
When using this piece you will be able to intermingle your own DNA with the DNA of whatever species or type of existence you want. You will gain their knowledge and their abilities. If they have magic you gain that also. There are many species of existence that you will find familiary such as vampires, djinn, werewolves, nephilim, angels, fairies, leprechauns, elves, etc. This machine holds blueprints for the DNA of every type of entity I have ever personally experience.
Then, there are those that will be revealed to you tha tyou will not know. You can them if you want to. Some of them hav very surprise reactions, not bad, just not what you would have expected. As I'm sure you've already realized, there is a boatload of magic that is waiting to be experienced and discovered through using this piece.