The Red Sea Oracle Adara enchanted this Necklace for a dying bride to be just a few years ago. She gifted this to her so she could see into the future she would be robbed of. For that particular woman it was used so that she could experience the future with her husband that she was never going to get. For others it allows them to see into the future and call on Adara for help. Adara is powerful and especially good about teaching people a lesson. Some have called her the Vengeful Virgin. Adara , known for her sacred Virginity, cherishes women, as she was cast into her role by several evil men. She was forced into using her physical purity to look deep into the future. She was abused by these men and sought by many others. Her anger over the centuries caused her to grow even more powerful. She was only ten when she was sold as a bride to an older man in Yemen. Her mother cried as she was ripped from her side. She watched as her father beat her mother as she was dragged away by her supposed husband. Adara however was not bought as a bride but to be a virgin sacrifice for psychic power. She didn’t know this, but after her ‘husband’ took her to the Red Sea with several of his powerful acquaintances to perform a series of rituals on her she was deeply frightened of what was really to become of her.
On the first night they brutally beat her to near death. After she was unconscious they covered her in sand and sea debris. Two nights later she awoke to find them huddled around her. They uncovered her body and dragged her to the water. She could barely move without severe pain so she was entirely at their mercy. Each of them grabbed a limb and waded into the water. She prayed for the death she was sure to come. They knew she had to suffer for her to ascend. So they repeatedly held her under water until she started to convulse. Only then would they bring her back up and squeeze the water from her lungs. After several hours of this, they brought her back to shore and again buried her body leaving only her face uncovered.
By the fourth night she was hanging on by a thin strand of life. A strand powered by her hatred for them. Hatred for her father and sorrow for her mother. Nothing existed outside of the blinding white pain other than them. Not even the world she previously lived in. But this was their goal. The uncovered her for the last time and took her out to the water. This time though they ripped the front of her garb and carved some kind of ceremonial letters on her body. Adara screamed with the last bit of strength she had. They then held her under that water for the last time and as the salt washed over her wounds she noticed it didn’t sting as it had before. She pondered for a brief second if she was still alive.
She didn’t feel anymore pain or hatred, but she saw the future of those men. A gruesome future. Death and depravity lurked in the future of all of them.
Just as she was drifting off, she was yanked up from the water. As Adara gasped in her last breath, her husbands knife licked across her throat with all the grace in the world. It almost tickled it was so gentle. She didn’t feel the sting or any pain at all. He whispered “ My Powerful Virgin Wife” as she stared at him blankly. He seemed confused when she didn’t fall back into the water. Then she saw his confusion turn into fear. The New Red Sea Oracle looked down towards her body to see why he was so scared. Adara was completely nude and her body was no longer her own. She was a full grown woman and utterly covered in blood. Her blood. She looked at them with universal power in her eyes and told them their futures one by one. The truth alone was more terrifying than killing them. She sunk into the water leaving them to their fates.
This item gives you full psychic abilities, Adara’s helping hands and wish granting, of course the Vengeful Virgin if you need it.