You are getting both pieces seen, both are antiques with the Jesus on the cross dating from the 1800’s.
The holy water bottle will be filled with water coming from a blessed location. This is called the Chappell Norte Dame De La Medaille miraculeuse. The holy water is said to create miracles by the usage of the saint that can grant it. The antique cross with Jesus is a piece that creates a doorway to the heavens guided by Christ. This gives you access to those who have passed on, messages from Christ and direct help.
To use the cross you will first use a little of the holy water on your forehead. You only need to do this one time. To tap into the Saints and miracles of them you would just add a little holy water to both of your palms.
Miracles are just that, miracles. Just ask for the situation you need or whatever it is. This is not a dual supernatural piece, this is pure white light.