If you are down and out in the wealth department, allow this piece to bring you back up to par. This piece holds ancient magic that was once part of the city of Ophir. Ophir is a port city to which King Solomon's ships sailed to bring back many talents of gold. Ophir was a very wealthy city and this was in part to the ancient magicians that lived there and cast wealth magic over the whole land. That is the magic that is in this piece. when you wear this piece you gain the wealth magic of The Magicians of Ophir. As such, this piece will cast wealth over your entire land-- including your life, your home, your job, your investments, your business, your leisure activities (gambling, betting, lottery, etc), and any other aspect of your life that I haven't listed. This piece can even be used to cast wealth upon your family members if they live in the same house as you. There's nothing that you have to do to use this piece When you wear it the wealth of Ophir will come to you.
The piece you are getting is a costume ring with a carnival colored druzy.